Portable Compressors Distributors, Suppliers & Exporters in Mumbai, India
Dismantling work, paint spraying, sandblasting, drilling, ramming or soil loosening -
the list of activities that require full power at all times and everywhere could go
on and on.
Whenever you need powerful compressed air on your construction site, CompAir is the
best address for you. Our portable compressors reliably supply you and your
compressed air tools - wherever, whenever and at whatever intensity you need
compressed air for your work. Flexibility is by no means all that our mobile air
compressors have to offer. You can also rely on:
- Excellent performance thanks to technology customised for portable
- Outstanding performance profile with high efficiency thanks to continuous
further development.
- Sustainable working thanks to low CO2 emissions.
- Simplified handling thanks to optimally positioned control panels.
- Uncomplicated maintenance thanks to easily removable bonnet and large
access doors.
- Flexible working in any terrain even on construction sites that are
difficult to access thanks to towable or mobile transport.
- Compact size for loading onto construction vehicles or lorries.
Our Portable Compressors
C14-12 TO C14
C20 - C30
C35-10 - C50
C55-14 - C76
C85-14 - C140-9
Bi-Turbo Portable Compressors
Pneumatic Tools