Oil Free Compressors

Sumved International is a leading Distributors & Suppliers of Oil free air compressors have been designed specifically for applications where clean, pure air is critical, resulting in high quality air for your end product.

Our Oil Free Air Compressors

Ultima Oil Free Screw Air Compressors
Ultima Oil Free Screw Air Compressors
Two Stage Oil-Free Rotary Screw Compressors D-Series
Two Stage Oil-Free Rotary Screw Compressors D-Series 37-75KW
Two Stage Oil Free Rotary Screw Air Compressors
Two Stage Oil Free Rotary Screw Air Compressors
Water Injected Oil Free Rotary Screw Compressors
Water Injected Oil Free Rotary Screw Compressors
Oil Free Scroll Air Compressors
Oil Free Scroll Air Compressors
Two Stage Oil-free Rotary Screw Compressors DX-Series
Two Stage Oil-free Rotary Screw Compressors DX-Series 200-355KW

Opt for an oil free compressor

We know that in many industries, air purity is critical. Even the tiniest drop of oil can cause product spoilage or damage production equipment. That is why it is always important to consider your production process and end product when choosing an air compressor. More and more businesses are looking to oil free air compressors as a reputable source of providing clean compressed air.

Oil free compressors use various technologies that bypass the need for oil. In oil lubricated compressors, oil is used in the compression chamber to cool and seal the air. In an oil-free compressor, no matter what type of technology is being used, no oil will ever be used in the compression chamber. This eliminates the risk of contamination and ensures 100% air purity!

Aside from a completely risk free operation, some of the core benefits of choosing an oil-free compressor are:

Low cost of ownership

Save on the costs of oil replacements as well as equipment used to clean and separate oil from air such as oil separators, filtration equipment and condensate treatment.

  • Low cost of ownership
    Save on the costs of oil replacements as well as equipment used to clean and separate oil from air such as oil separators, filtration equipment and condensate treatment.
  • Environmentally friendly
    Oil free compressors are more compliant with international environmental regulations than lubricated systems, making for an environmentally conscious compressor choice.
  • Low maintenance
    No oil and less moving parts means less maintenance and fewer areas for problems to occur.
  • Quiet by design
    Due to the limited amount of moving parts, they produce less noise pollution and less vibration.