Robuschi centrifugal pumps, PROMIX and PROCHEM, are the perfect solution to convey
different types of liquids, offering high fluid dynamics efficiency thanks to their
heavy duty features and long life components.
Chemical and Process Pumps
Process Centrifugal Pumps (RACN, RACNS, RCN-RCPN, RCNS - RCPNS,
RKC-RKCS series)
Capacity up to 2,000 m³/h - Head up to 80 m
Chemical Centrifugal Pumps (RN-RNS, RKN-RKNS series)
Capacity up to 2,600 m³/h - Head up to 140 m
Clear Liquid Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal Pump for Clear Liquids
Capacity up to 500 m/h - Head up to 95